Saturday, March 21, 2020


Chợ biển Tam Tiến Quảng Nam - thiên đường hải sản tươi sống

Quang Nam tourism is famous for beautiful landscapes ranging from beaches stretching to peaceful old town. With its position adjacent to the sea, Quang Nam also owns extremely rich seafood resources. Coming to Quang Nam if you want to buy fresh and cheap seafood, you can visit the famous Tam Tien Seafood Market for more than 15 years.

Want to visit Tam Tien market must get up early in the morning

Tam Tien Market is located in Nui Thanh district, Quang Nam province. 15 km from Tam Ky city, you will not take too much time to move here. However, this market is mostly known only to local people and has not exploited tourism. The reason is because Tam Tien market usually meets early in the morning and most tourists are afraid of getting up early. Want to visit this market you have to come between 4 hours and 5 hours. If the market is late, the meeting will end, leaving only a few fishermen.
Tam Tien Market on the coast of Quang Nam
The reason for this early meeting is because fishermen often go fishing early. The day before the fishermen will set sail at about 3 pm the day before and return to the mainland about 3 hours, 4 am the next morning. Family members and traders also gathered to buy and sell the freshest seafood.
The market met early

The market exists for more than 15 years

Looking at the real life market like this one is hard to believe, Tam Tien Market has existed for more than 15 years. In the past, this was merely a place where boats and ships docked. Later when the number of fishing boats increased, traders also concentrated more to create a bustling market. In the past, the main commodity here was seafood. Now there is a wider range of goods.
There is another special thing, Tam Tien market only operates in the summer. This is a bustling sea activity season, many boats go out to sea. If you want to visit Tam Tien market you should come at this time.
Tam Tien Market has existed for over 15 years

Lost in seafood paradise

Arrive at Tam Tien market at around 4 am. It was still not quite clear, the night sea was still mysterious. However, your sleepiness will be suppressed by the extremely busy atmosphere at the market. At this point, you will find that all people speak local dialects, it is very difficult to catch visitors. People are laughing and busy with trading in seafood.
Trade activity takes place right on the beach
From far away, the fishing boats reached the shore one at a time. Accompanied by countless baskets of fresh seafood were shielded into the market. The shrimp, the fish and the squid are still alive and try to find a way out of the basket. 
Not only delicious but also very cheap price
By about 5 o'clock you will be able to better see the surroundings when the sky starts to turn bright. The seafood at the market is so diverse that almost everything is available. Not only many, fresh but also extremely cheap prices. The passionate work environment here is inspiring many beautiful photographs of photographers.
Besides, coming to Tam Tien market, visitors can also watch the sunrise very romantic.
Dawn to the sea

Tam Tien Market is an extremely suitable place for you to learn more about the lives of people in the coastal region of Quang Nam. If traveling to Quang Nam, remember to sacrifice your sleep a bit, try to get up early to explore and buy yourself lots of fresh seafood!

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