Saturday, March 21, 2020


Hướng dẫn cách nấu cháo cá lóc rau đắng Miền Tây ngon nhất

Coming to the western provinces of the river, visitors will be able to explore beautiful tourist destinations with a lot of western dishes made from rice and shrimp and fish. Among those rustic Western specialties, there is a dish that visitors only need to eat once and remember forever, it is snakehead fish porridge with bitter vegetables.

Especially, when the owner instructed how to cook the best Western snakehead snakehead fish porridge , visitors were even more surprised by this unique dish that was simply processed.
how to cook vegetables by hand
Snakehead snakehead rice congee is an attractive specialty dish in the West

1. About snakehead fish porridge bitter vegetables - a specialty of the West of the river

If you have the opportunity to set foot in the western region of the river, besides finding and exploring famous ecotourism sites, any tourist will not forget to enjoy delicious Western food .
The Western provinces have long been famous for dishes cooked from seafood such as hotpot sauce, Western noodles, western pancakes ... However, according to the research, the food is most enjoyed by visitors. Snakehead fish soup with bitter vegetables. Why so?
how to cook vegetables by hand
Almost every tourist to the West knows about the snake-head snakehead fish porridge
Porridge is a dish made from rice and some spices. In the West, the locals cook porridge for breakfast or dinner. Snake-head snakehead fish congee was also a breakfast food. But since Western tourists enjoy this dish more and more, this porridge suddenly became famous and became a favorite food for tourists when traveling to the West .
Snakehead fish soup is sweet from rice and snakehead fish. The sweet taste combines harmoniously with the bitter taste of bitter vegetables, creating a Western specialty that attracts tourists to the West just to enjoy this dish.

2. How to cook snakehead fish porridge in the West

Western snakehead porridge has a very simple processing method. If you have all the necessary ingredients, you can make this famous Western special dish at home. The main ingredients for making snakehead fish porridge in the West include: snakehead fish 1, rice, bitter vegetables, bean sprouts, mushrooms, red onions, scallions and some necessary spices such as salt, pepper, chili, seeds. wedge.
how to cook vegetables by hand
Porridge is made from rice, snakehead fish and some other ingredients
How to cook bitter snakehead fish porridge in the West is similar to other common porridge dishes.
- First we must wash the ingredients of fish, rice and bitter vegetables.
- Rice only needs to be rinsed, then drained.
- Snakehead fish washed with salt.
- Straw mushrooms must be soaked in salt water for 10 minutes to be clean, then wash again and cut in half.
- Bitter vegetables remove roots, scallions and onions remove roots, outer skin, then cut.
- And bean sprouts washed with salt water and drain.
how to cook vegetables by hand
Bitter vegetables are an indispensable ingredient in this dish
Because rice takes a long time to cook into porridge, we wash rice first. Put the voiced rice into a saucepan and fill with 2/3 of the water. Cook about 30 minutes, the rice blooms. At that time, we continue to add the mushrooms and scallions. Cook for 10 more minutes, then turn off the stove.
Note that you should not cook too long because it is easy to get rid of straw. While waiting for porridge to ripen, we will boil snakehead fish. Snakehead fish is boiled whole in a pot with red onions and seasoning seeds. After the snakehead fish is cooked, we take the fish out on a plate, filter out the snakehead meat and bring marinated with seasoning, pepper for 10-15 minutes to infuse the fish meat.
how to cook vegetables by hand
Snakehead fish meat is all bones removed and marinated spicy
To complete the dish, we add snakehead fish to the pot of porridge for 5 minutes more, season and taste it and turn off the heat. So we have a delicious snakehead snakehead fish porridge for the whole family to enjoy!

3. Presenting and enjoying snakehead snakehead fish soup

Western bitter snakehead fish porridge in accordance with the standards of the locals must be placed in the clay pot to keep the heat for the porridge. On the porridge decorated with pepper, scallions, chili slices to make the dish look really eye-catching. Serve with the snakehead fish porridge also has bitter vegetables and bean sprouts along with 1 cup of salted fish sauce mixed with cassava.
When eating, we scoop the porridge out of the cup, add bitter vegetables and chan little salty fish sauce and enjoy the delicious, bold Western bitter snakehead fish porridge.
how to cook vegetables by hand
Enjoy the delicious Western snakehead snakehead fish porridge
Not only snakehead fish porridge with bitter herbs, the West also has many famous and attractive dishes that tourists should enjoy such as pancakes, tet cakes, hotpot sauce, salty western cakes ...
Instructions on how to cook the best Western snakehead snakehead fish soup are simple and very easy to do, aren't you! With this great Western food, you and your family will have the most delicious and nutritious breakfast. Wish you will make the snakehead snakehead rice porridge wonderful to loved families always eat delicious and nutritious Western specialties!

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